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PTSD Healing Poetry

As a former Social Worker specializing in helping homeless Veterans find resources for Mental Health/PTSD, chemical/alcohol dependency, food, clothing, shelter, VA connections, and housing I found that self-medication (through alcohol) was the mechanism of choice. This was true for women and men who had been sexually abused in the military and even in homeless shelters by their peers. Having had two bouts of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) myself, I was able to identify with their sorrows. The difference was that I had connected in a special way through inspired rhyme from the Divine to combat the effects of PTSD. This gift in rhyme from the Divine allows a negative emotion or two to be safely removed without reliving any trauma! Risa Ruse

Monday, September 5, 2011

What Kind of Seeds Have You Planted in Your Mind's Garden?

Again, everything has a place in perfect timing.... There were a couple areas of ground that were dug up in my lawn from the tree brushes being removed by the Town. The rain has softened the ground. I took the opportunity to pull up, gently the clover from other areas of the lawn that had a root system. I love clover.  Then I used a tool I have to break up the furl ground and planted those little clover plants rather than seeds. I said a prayer to have them take root and spread.  This is what I am doing now with my thoughts ridding poverty and growth of prosperity instead.  Sounds like the beginning of a new poem! 
Let's celebrate the day in a special way,


PTSD Poetry Consult for Free

Because gifts given of God are meant to be shared I am offering a FREE half-hour PTSD Healing Poetry consultation for each new request. Ask Risa at: and you shall receive! I use or telephone.
Because gifts given of God are meant to be shared I am offering a FREE half-hour PTSD Healing Poetry consultation for each new request. Ask Risa at: and you shall receive! I use or telephone.